But wait, can we really
prevent wrinkles at least to look younger than our age? Personally, yes. I am
certain that preventing wrinkles relates to our positive outlook in life that
is having self- control against worrying too much and healthy lifestyle such as
drinking enough water, eating the right kind of food and having a good sleep
which are commonplace.
This is a fact
for it has been taught by our health teachers since our grade school and are
always emphasized during nutrition month celebration. And of course this has
started from our parents who used to force us to eat vegetables and fruits when
we were small kids. Above all, it has a medical proof that there is an interplay between stress, biochemistry and
Vivian Diller, Ph D in her article says that if we can manage to keep anxiety and
stress from accelerating our natural physiological changes internally and
externally, we are likely to look and feel better for longer periods of time. It
simply means we can get rid of wrinkles by making our lives stress- free. Stress-
free life doesn’t mean the absence of stress but how we manage stress as it
comes our ways inevitably. Prevent
wrinkles, stay away from stress!!
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