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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What is Anti-Aging?

Aging is one of the most studied subjects matter in science. Aging is coupled with physical changes; changes that we don’t like. And these changes are what we are most concerned of. This is the reason why anti-aging techniques are creating a niche in the market. How is anti-aging process being done?

Many research studies were done to explain to explain the process of aging. There are so many theories and hypothesis formulated to explain the process. But as I read them, they all convey the same thing – our cells are deteriorating. Every day, we have a number of cells dying that are naturally dying in response to the daily stress that we encounter, internally and externally. But there are also new cells formed to replace the lost ones. This is the part of the natural mechanism of our system, which the science called as Cellular Regeneration.

Friday, November 16, 2012

How Can I Prevent Wrinkles While Losing Weight?

I checked on a variety of ways on how to lose weight. I was on this moment when I happen to read an article stating that losing weight is one of the causes of wrinkles.  Oops! Not good. What will I do now? How can I prevent wrinkles while losing weight at the same time? 

So, I specifically looked for suggestions regarding this concern. Wendy Rose Gould mentioned in her article in ehow.com that when a person gains weight, our skin stretches to accommodate the additional weight which is the reason why the skin tends to become saggy and wrinkly upon losing weight. This condition is very much possible to occur especially when a person rapidly loses the weight as cited in Livestrong.com.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Can Stress Give You Wrinkles?

Aging is a term we usually use to pertain to a person whose characteristics are evidently showing signs of deterioration or weakening. The wrinkling of the skin is the most common manifestation as it suggests deterioration in cell regeneration. Stress, in this case, is known to be one of the major precursors of aging. The more we expose ourselves to stress, the more difficult it is for us to stop wrinkles even in our young age.

According to Dr. Neil F. Neimark, our body has its innate “fight or flight response” system in reaction to whatever stress we encounter. This response system is initiated by our brain (hypothalamus) to prepare our body, physically and psychologically. Whenever we are exposed to stress (external or internal), our “fight or flight response” system is triggered. As a result, our body produces stress hormones such as cortisol and norepinephrine. These hormones cause our body to experience a decrease on the activity of our metabolic processes such as digestion, reproduction, growth and immunity.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Two Very Simple Anti-Ageing Tips

Who doesn’t want to be forever young? Imagine yourself in your 80s with the vitality of a youth. Isn’t it great? It is the desire of almost everybody that is why a lot of anti-ageing tips are given everywhere. 

Being young does not only mean having a wrinkle-free and healthy skin. A healthy body, in general, is the most important thing that we must acquire. As I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of tips given to attain such goal. But as I evaluate it, the secret lies on our two major organs:

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

“Soy vs Wrinkles”

Once (we) people are starting to get older, we become more and more concerned on how to prevent and get rid of wrinkles. We struggle to solicit opinions and suggestions from our family and friends without being aware that the answer might just be inside our refrigerator. If you have soy or soy products in it, then you already got the help you need. How could these soy products be of help with wrinkles?
Soy is actually well-known for its benefits on maintaining a healthy body because of its high levels of protein, vitamins, antioxidants and essential fatty acids. Just in recent years, its importance in skin care and anti-aging was widely studied. Dr. Mark Messina presented various scientific studies with regards to the skin benefits of soy at Soyconnection.com.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Facial Expressions Generate Forehead Wrinkles

Our forehead is the said to be the part that is most likely to form wrinkles. Forehead wrinkles are therefore one of the major targets of many anti-wrinkle treatments. There is only one major reason being considered why forehead wrinkles are very common to occur. And that is because of our repetitive facial expressions.

As mentioned in Wikipedia.com, our forehead is composed of three muscles and these are the Occipitofrontalis, Procerus and Corrugator supercilii. All of these muscles are being controlled by what they call the facial nerves, thus, they are the muscles responsible in creating different facial expressions such as raising of eyebrows, frowning, squinting, and the like.