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Saturday, November 10, 2012

Two Very Simple Anti-Ageing Tips

Who doesn’t want to be forever young? Imagine yourself in your 80s with the vitality of a youth. Isn’t it great? It is the desire of almost everybody that is why a lot of anti-ageing tips are given everywhere. 

Being young does not only mean having a wrinkle-free and healthy skin. A healthy body, in general, is the most important thing that we must acquire. As I mentioned earlier, there are a lot of tips given to attain such goal. But as I evaluate it, the secret lies on our two major organs:
1.       THE BRAIN:

Our brain controls everything in our system. It is the brain that signals entire system to perform specific responses to certain precursors. Our body reacts in every situation undergone by the brain. By keeping our brain healthy, we can as well expect a healthier and youthful body.
The following are the best anti-ageing tips for the brain:
-  Be optimistic.
-  Don’t dwell with stress.
-  Have enough rest.
-  Stimulate your brain through reading, learning and meditation.
-  Feed your brain with nutrients through a healthy diet.
2.       THE HEART:

Our heart is of the same importance with the brain. It is the first organ that we could recognize to be affected by the brain such as its reaction when we see something scary and the like. It is also the heart’s function to pump the blood together with the nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, which is very important for the cells to carry out their respective functions.
Here are the tips for a young and healthy heart:
-  Watch your diet. Avoid too much salt and fatty food.
-  Manage stress efficiently by getting a good sleep.
-  Avoid smoking and too much drinking of alcohol.
-  Get active to exercise your heart for an efficient heart beat and blood pumping.
-  Manage your weight. Avoid being overweight or obese.

There are a number of anti-ageing tips that you can check from other sources like the specific kind of foods and exercises that you can have for a healthier heart and brain. Taking good care of these two very important organs will help us to prevent and reverse the effects of aging.


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